BLM Pile Burn

As Fall weather brings shorter days and cooler temperatures, fuels specialists with the Bureau of Land Management Prineville District are preparing for their Fall/Winter Prescribed Fire program. We plan to start implementing prescribed fire as early as conditions (weather, fuel moistures, access availability, and smoke management), allow. Burning operations will continue throughout the next few months. These prescribed burns are planned in the following project areas:
Outback- We have 6 machine piles (about 192 acres worth of wood debris) planned to be ignited on 10/31/2024, South of La Pine, off Masten road and Forest Road 62. This project will further reduce the wildfire hazard in wildland urban interface areas adjacent to communities in the La Pine area.  Later, this year when there is snow on the ground, we have 491 acres of hand piles that we will burn in the same area.  
Piles may smolder, burn, and produce smoke for several days to even months, after ignition. Smoke may settle overnight in/near residential areas. Suggested smoke mitigation measures to reduce risk/exposure include closing windows and limiting outdoor activities. It is also recommended that motorists reduce speeds and turn on headlights, when smoke is present near roads.  
Implementation of prescribed fire is highly dependent on favorable weather windows which include temperature, relative humidity, moisture in the form of rain/snow, and wind conditions for larger activity piles. Prescribed fires will only be implemented when the conditions are right to meet the objectives of the burn and when smoke impacts communities can be minimized. All prescribed fire areas will be monitored and patrolled during and following ignitions until declared out. Prescribed burns are completed in accordance with the Oregon Department of Forestry smoke management plan. 
For more information about prescribed fires and/or the Prineville District’s Fuels Program, please contact the Prineville BLM at (541) 416-6700.