Minutes, Regular Board Meeting, Saturday, October 8, 2022

Meeting was held at:

55553 Big River Drive

Bend, OR 97707


Quorum Present?  Yes

Board Members Present — Dean Drabin, Bart Gernhart, Doug Patterson, Tim Jenning, Andra Smith

Board Members Absent — None


Call to Order

Meeting was called to order by Dean Drabin at 10:02 a.m.


Election of New Board Secretary

Bart suggested that since he is overseeing roadway repair, he should relinquish his position as Secretary.  Bart then nominated Andra Smith as Secretary, with Doug seconding the motion.  The Board unanimously approved the motion and Andra accepted this position.


Treasurer’s Report

Doug Patterson provided a summary of our accounts:

              Regular checking account total: $76,766.33

              Mailbox account total:                     $446.07

              Certificate of deposit:                 $66,525.08

The Board discussed moving at least $25,000 from regular checking into a CD for a higher interest rate.  The Board agreed to the initial $25,000, while also agreeing to wait on further transfers from checking into a CD until ditch repair costs for the vicinity of Heierman are evaluated.


Annual Dues Increase

At the Annual Board Meeting in August, Bart and Dean shared with those present the concern that a future roadway chip seal will cost much more than we are presently saving, based on large increases in the cost of oil and labor.  They identified options to raise yearly rates now or wait until the road repaving is needed (likely in two to three years), possibly needing to borrow the difference, and having to charge owners a one-time assessment.  They then requested feedback from the attendees at the Annual Meeting and noted that the general consensus was that they would rather have an increase in the annual fee, rather than a greater one-time assessment.

Based on that feedback, Bart made a motion to raise the annual fees from $100 to $150.  Tim seconded the motion and the Board unanimously approved raising the rates, beginning Juy1, 2023.


Website Portal

Dean provided an update on our Website Portal, including our new, “Make a Payment” link.  He also identified the following possible improvements and associated costs:

  1.  Turn “Notes and Minutes” entries into blogposts
  2.  Add “New Posts” carousel to home page
  3.  Add “Subscribe” button to home page

Dean noted that the first two would create better access to the latest minutes and announcements, and the “Subscribe” button would allow members to automatically receive immediate email of every new posting.

Andra suggested that the “Subscribe” button include a statement that members’ email will only be used for official OWW1 and will not be shared with anyone else.  The Board agreed with Andra’s suggestion.

Dean noted that the cost of the Portal improvements was $347.  Bart made a motion to approve the expenditure.  Andra seconded the motion.  The Board unanimously approved the motion.


Snow Plowing

Dean verified that we will continue to have Vic Russell Constuction as our snow removal contractor for this coming winter.  He noted that they (Vic Russell Construction) will be again short staffed like so many other businesses, with the result that they will be unable to remove berms across our driveways after plowing the roads.


Wood Chipping Project (Wildfire Threat Reduction)

Dean stated that we received a $4000 grant from the County for 2022 chipping of woody debris.  The overall cost of the project was $4750, with OWW1 covering the $750 balance.  This process went very well, with great participation by owners.  He suggested that we make another grant request for 2023.  Bart made a motion to allow Dean to make the grant request.  Doug seconded the motion.  The Board unanimously approved the motion.

Update:  Dean applied for $5000 in grant funding, as he had the previous year, but this time, rather than granting $4000, the County approved granting the entire $5000.  Therefore, the chipping project will proceed as planned in spring, 2023.


Road Conditions Report

Bart and Dean agreed that they will conduct a field review of the road conditions with a focus on the items raised at the Annual Meeting.  They will report back to the Board at the next Board meeting.


Other Items

Message Board at Seevers

Doug made a motion to not repair or replace the message board.  Tim seconded the motion.  The Board unanimously approved the motion.

Shooting Near OWW1 Boundaries

Dean pointed out that the OWW1 Board has no authority to regulate shooting of firearms outside of our boundaries.  He said that if someone is observed doing something illegal, it should be reported directly to the Sheriff’s Office.  Dean said he would contact the USFS and ask them about restricting shooting near OWW1, particularly along our southern boundary.

Election and Terms of Board Officers

Bart asked about OWW1 bylaws concerning the frequency and process of electing officers, such as secretary, treasurer and president.  Dean reviewed the bylaws and reported that there are no length limits on terms of office, and that officers continue to serve at the pleasure of the Board.


Meeting adjourned at 11:06 a.m.


Minutes submitted by Bart Gernhart, Secretary