Minutes, Regular Board Meeting – Friday, 4/7/17

Meeting was held at the Al Zupo Residence

55597 Big River Drive

Bend, OR 97707

Quorum Present? Yes

Board Members Present:

Al Zupo, President; Dean Drabin; Tonya Sims, Treasurer; Tim Jenning, Karl Schwarz, Secretary

Board Members absent: None

Call to Order

Meeting was called to order by President Al Zupo at 7:00 PM.

Tonya gave the Treasurer’s report

Regular Checking: $37,048.92

Mailbox Account: $3,466.13

CD: $24,948.40

Old Business

Minutes from last board meeting, 11/16/16 were approved.

Spring assessment of road conditions will be conducted by Al and Dean some time in May.

Dean will remove winter signage from mailboxes.

There is a hearing coming up regarding Rule 11. More information to follow.

New Business

Vic Russell’s invoice for temporary repairs to intersection of Heirman and Gross is $2,229.51.

Concern was brought up about mailbox structure and berms left from falling snow, and the difficulty of keeping the area safely cleared during winter months. After much discussion, Dean advised that we should rebuild the structure to slope the roof east and west, thereby helping to eliminate the berms to help facilitate ease of plowing along the structure. Dean then motioned that we get quotes to rebuild the structure. Tim seconded. All were in favor. Al will contact Al Huntley, Tonya will contact Cy Smith, and Karl will talk to Tim Phillips. Hopes are to have mailbox structure rebuilot before our annual meeting on August 12.

Al recommended that the board hire someone to keep our books in the future (hourly basis.) He will look into this issue.

Next regular Board meeting and time: TBA.

Meeting adjourned at 8:10 PM.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Karl Schwarz.