Minutes, Regular Board Meeting – Saturday, December 9, 2017

Meeting was held at Dean Drabin’s Residence
55520 Big River Drive,
Bend, OR 97707
Quorum present? – Yes
Board Members Present – Dean Drabin, Tim Jennings, Bart Gernhart, Doug Patterson, Leonard Dahl
Board Members Absent – None
Call to Order
Meeting was called to order by Dean Drabin at 10:10 a.m.
Old Business:

New Business:

Dean Drabin presented the Profit and Loss spreadsheet from January 1 – December 7 to the other Board members. He noted the liability insurance last year was $971. Our snow removal costs last winter were $8,454.50. All but $40 was paid to Vic Russel. $40 was paid to Hoyt’s Classic Landcare.
We have $51,550.84 in our main account, $736.92 in our mailbox account and $24,959.22 in CD’s.
Dean said our income in 2017 was $42,366.66. This is higher than normal since we received income from properties that were sold in 2017 which had delinquent (unpaid) association dues, some were unpaid for years. Our normal income from dues should be estimated at $27,000 for budgetary purposes.

Dean stated in the past we budgeted $5,000 annually for snowplowing. He suggested we should budget $10,000 for snowplowing as a more healthy amount based on the past few years. The Board agreed that seems reasonable.

Dean said our normal road repair maintenance expenses are around $3,000 per year.

We began incurring new bookkeeping expenses in August 2017. In the past, we had free bookkeeping. For budgetary purposes, Dean suggested we estimate at least $1000 per year for bookkeeping. The Board agreed that seems reasonable.
Leonard made a motion to pay our bookkeeper (Tonya Sims) up to $400 as a onetime cost to purchase QuickBooks software. The Board agreed(subsequently learned that Tonya’s software is already latest version, so expenditure is unnecessary.)

The Board discussed the cost of possibly using future chip seals on our roads. The Board agreed it was prudent to begin budgeting for those future expenses. The first step in the budgeting process is to get a preliminary cost estimate for that future work. Dean volunteered to get an estimate from Vic Russell for this budgetary exercise. All of the Board members were clear this is only a budgetary exercise for financial planning purposes. The Board agreed to discuss this issue at our next meeting.

Dean said he applied for a Firewise USA certification (see www.Firewise.org) several years ago for our association. He announced we received the certification and have two signs to install on the entrances to our neighborhood.
Dean discussed the Deschutes County Project Wildfire program (see www.projectwildfire.org). He explained property owners can provide their sweat equity (labor) by clearing their property of debris. The County will provide a chipping service as they have done in the past, but property owners must sign up online for this service to enable the County to document the sweat equity as a match to the grant the County received. This program will be available in our neighborhood sometime this coming spring. Dean will provide more information when it becomes available and the Board will assure dissemination of this information.

Dean said our snow removal contract is the same as it was last year regarding removal of berms across driveways.
Dean provided a reminder for those who are gone for a good portion of the winter and who want the snow berm at their driveway entrance removed to contact Dean.

Meeting adjourned at 11:10 a.m.

Minutes respectively submitted by Bart Gernhart, Secretary.