Minutes, Regular Board Meeting – Saturday, June 13, 2020

Meeting was held at Bart Gernhart’s property,

55553 Big River Drive,

Bend, OR 97707

Quorum Present?  Yes

Board Members Present—Dean Drabin, Tim Jenning, Bart Gernhart, Doug Patterson

Board Members Absent—Leonard Dahl

Call to Order

Meeting was called to order by Dean Drabin at 10:04 a.m.

Old Business:

Sewer Project— Dean Drabin said he has met several times with the OWW Unit 2 Sanitary District Board and/or some of its board members.  Due to a lack of sufficient grant funding and in light of the subsequent economic impact due to the pandemic, the OWW Unit 2 Sanitary District Board cannot see a way forward with the design and construction of a sanitary sewer system and connection for OWW Unit 1, and has therefore tabled the matter indefinitely.

Treasurer’s Report:

Doug Patterson provided a summary of our accounts:

Regular checking account total: $22,311

Mailbox account: $2017

Certificate of deposit: $66,178

New Business:

Mailbox Request:

Dean and Doug shared a request by an owner to move those using the separated, unsecured, mailboxes to our large, locked mailbox facility.  Dean said we can’t forced those owners who use separate boxes to move, and Doug noted we would not have room in our existing facility if all of the owners of the separate boxes decided to switch to that facility.  The Board agreed to offer to those owners the move at the on-going rate of $50 per mailbox.  Depending upon how many people decide to move, we may need to expand our existing mailbox structure.

Road Maintenance:

Dean Suggested that Bart review our roads to determine what if any maintenance work needs to be done this year and then to contact contractors for estimates.  The Board agreed to have Bart do this.

Annual Meeting:

Due to the COVID-19 situation, with its restrictions regarding large group gatherings, the Board discussed options of holding the annual meeting on-line.  Since not all owners have access to t he internet, the Board decided to postpone our annual meeting until 2021.

Board Election:

Bart Gernhart and Doug Patterson have board terms which are due to expire this year, but with the postponement of the annual meeting the Board decided to continue with the present board members until we are able to hold elections at next year’s annual meeting, which will allow for a proper quorum and vote, along with giving owners the best chance to solicit candidates before and during the annual meeting.

Project Wildfire:

Dean mentioned the possibility that there might be government revenue for a fall chipper program, but in subsequent talks with the County Forester, he learned that the funds available were being used for programs which would not apply to our community, so there will not be a chipper program this fall.

Annual Newsletter

The Board reviewed the draft annual newsletter that Dean prepared and approved it

Meeting adjourned at 10:51 a.m.

Minutes submitted by Bart Gernhart, Secretary