Minutes, Regular Board Meeting – Saturday, June 23, 2018

Meeting was held at Dean Drabin’s Residence

55520 Big River Drive

Quorum Present?  Yes

Board Members Present- Dean Drabin, Tim Jenning, Bart Gernhart, Doug Patterson

Board Members Absent- Leonard Dahl

Meeting was called to order by Dean Drabin at 10:02 a.m.

Old Business:


Treasurer’s Report:

Regular Checking Acount Total: $57,020.12

Mailbox Account: $794.59

Doug also provided the OWW1 Profit and Loss Report

New Business:

Annual Meeting

Dean noted that the OWW1 annual meeting will be held on August 11, 2018, at the LaPine Fire Station on South Century Drive at 9 a.m.

Dean noted that an update of a potential sewer system connection with OWW2’s existing system will be provided at the annual meeting.

The Board unanimously approved contributing $250 to the Upper Deschutes River Coalition, in light of the free chipper service recently provided to the community.

The Board also unanimously approved providing the LaPine Fire District $100, for use of the facility for our annual meeting on August 11.

The Board reviewed the YTD bookkeeping costs, and concluded that an annual expense of approximately $1000 annually was very reasonable.

Two Board vacancies will be coming up as Dean Drabin and Leonard Dahl’s terms will expire.  A vote to fill the seats will be conducted at the annual meeting.

Dean Drabin discussed a couple of complaints raised by residents about activities of some of their neighbors.  Since we have no formal CCR’s, OWW1 has very limited authority to address these complaints.  However, depending on the circumstances, the County may be able to take action.

Meeting adjourned at 10:55 a.m.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Bart Gernhart, Secretary.