OWW1 Annual Meeting – August 11, 2018

Location: La Pine Fire District Building, 55785 South Century Drive

Meeting called to order at 9:05 a.m. by Dean Drabin, President

Quorum present?  Yes (represented in-person and by proxy)

Treasurer’s Report:

Checking Account—–$73.431.55

Certificate of Deposit–$24,959.22

Mailbox Account———$819.59

Old Business:

Profit and Loss Report was referenced, with most items discussed having to do with yearly income, and cost of road repairs and last winter’s snow plowing.  Mention was made that, if owners are paying dues through their banks’ bill-paying services, they should make sure that they use the POA address for payment (55633 Big River Drive, OR 97707), as some payments have been mistakenly directed to the Water Wonderland Improvement District.

This spring’s very successful free chipper, sweat-equity program was summarized, and OWW1’s new Firewise designation was explained, along with the responsibilities of homeowners in maintaining and expanding defensible space on their properties.  At this point, cards were passed out with the web address of centraloregonfire.org, which can provide citizens with up-to-date information and maps about the status of fires in the region, as well as locations of concern regarding air quality.

Ongoing community efforts to fight and eradicate spotted knapweed were discussed, including news of the possible use of a new, anti-weed nematode, which, if successful, could eliminate, or at least, greatly reduce, the problem once and for all.

OWW2 Sanitary District’s committing of $22,500 for a feasibility study about the construction of a sewer system in OWW1, to be connected with the Sanitary District’s existing facility, was discussed.  This led to a great many questions, having to do with projected costs, financing options, grants, timeline, community voting on acceptance or rejection, etc.  But, as at this time the Board had no definitive answers, it was suggested that, at a future time when such answers are forthcoming from the Sanitary District, the OWW1 POA’s Board should call a special open meeting, for the purpose of disseminating and discussing the information in greater detail.  It was emphasized that at the moment there could be no accurate estimate for a projected date for such a meeting, but that, as soon as sufficient information becomes available, plans will be made for the meeting and OWW1 owners will be contacted.

In a related discussion, ideas were offered about the creation of an email list of property owners, which would allow for wide and rapid distribution of OWW1 news.  To that end, an email sign-up was made available.

Concerns were voiced by residents about the dangers of indiscriminate shooting by hunters in areas adjacent to our community, and solutions, involving possible closure of nearby stretches of the Deschutes River to hunting were discussed.  To this end, a petition will be created and circulated, involving OWW1, as well as the communities of River Forest Acres and River Meadows.

Another concern voiced was that of neighbors creating fires in their backyards.  At this point, Fire Chief Mike Supkis stepped in, to explain and clarify the legalities, limitations and requirements for using a fire pit on private property.  He also expounded upon various measures homeowners can take to further safeguard their homes from the threat of fire.

Mosquitoes were mentioned, and the phone number for 4 Rivers Vector was provided (541-593-1689), with residents encouraged to report any problem so that they could send out a fogging truck in response.

Board election results were announced, with both Dean Drabin and Leonard Dahl being returned for three-year terms.

Meeting was adjourned at 10:30 a.m.