OWW1 Annual Meeting – Saturday, August 10, 2019

Location: LaPine Fire Station

55785 South Century Drive

Bend, OR 97707

Quorum Present- yes

Board members present—Dean Drabin, Tim Jenning, Bart Gernhart, Doug Patterson, Leonard Dahl

Board members absent—none

Meeting was called to order by Dean Drabin at 9:02 a.m.

Board members introduced

Treasurer’s Report by Doug Patterson & Dean Drabin:

              Checking Account: $21,727.90

              Certificate of Deposit: $64,985.69

              Mail Box Account: $1,412.31

Profit and Loss: Dean noted that last year we repaved and graded the aprons to South Century Drive.  This was much more of an expense than the usual road repairs, which, when added to a heavier than usual snowplowing in February, lead to an overall loss on the profit and loss sheet.

Chipper Service: Dean noted that this program was successful.  We will likely see a repeat of this service next spring (although this is not yet guaranteed.)  Residents were reminded that, in order to receive the chipper service, they will need to sign up.  To this end, recommendations have been made to the County, in order to make the sign-up at the program’s website more user-friendly.

Gina Asked if fire insurance lower rates for Firewise communities such as ours.  Dean said, unfortunately, they don’t.

Possible Connection to OWW Unit 2 Sewer: Michael Hanbey, president of the board of the OWW Unit 2 Sanitary District, spoke about the potential of connecting OWW1 (also referenced as Unit 1) to the existing OWW Unit 2 sewer system.  He said that he hoped we could join, but that it has to be beneficial for both existing OWW Unit 2 users, as well as for OWW Unit 1 potential future customers.

They have been working on this process for over a year, and obtained a grant to do a feasibility study to determine if the existing system could handle the increase of users from Unit 1.  Presently, Unit 2 has 984 properties, with 825 connected to the sewer system.  They pay $64 per month for this service.  Presently, a new OWW Unit 2 owner would pay 12 to 13 thousand dollars in system development costs to hook up to the sewer system.  The Sanitary District Board met with funding sources that support sewer, water and road systems.  The three sources were willing to contribute funding to the $5.8 mil. project, with 34% of their funding in the form of grants, and the remaining 66% in the form of long-term, low-interest loans.  The goal is to reduce the costs as much as possible.  It will take a while longer to get a better estimate of the overall costs—and, therefore, the monthly sewer fees—which will then allow Unit 1 residents to decide if they want to be annexed into the existing Sewer District.

A question and answer session followed to address concerns from residents regarding the potential sewer system connection.  By late 2019, or early 2020, FAQs will be posted online and updates provided to help residents keep abreast of sewer progress and process..  The OWW1 Board, with participation of the OWW Unit 2 Sanitary District are projecting an open meeting of OWW1 property owners in spring, 2020, for the sole purpose of providing the latest information on the possible sewer project to property owners and answering their questions, before calling for a final, community-wide vote on annexation.

Possible OWW1 Fee Increase:  Dean shared the history of the last road seal project.  Initially, there were some complaints about the Otta Seal, though it was less expensive, and generally expected to last longer than a normal Chip Seal.  However, if residents insist on a smoother, more attractive process such as a chip seal, we will be forced to spend quite a bit more.

Currently, we are paying annual dues of $75 per lot.  Given the level of income this provides to the POA, the Board is concerned that this will not amass enough funds, over the four or five years, to cover the costs of resurfacing all of our roads to the satisfaction of our residents—which, should the preference be chip seal, might well approach $200,000.  Even if the choice ends up being Otta Seal, the overall cost, due to increased material prices and the additional paving of Heierman and Casper (not repaved in the previous project) will push the cost of considerably higher than the $93,000 we paid four years ago.  Therefore, it was announced that the Board is considering raising the annual fees—likely to $100 per property, which should be enough to provide for eventual repaving, while allowing for annual expenses like snowplowing as well as to maintain a prudent reserve fund.

Vandelism:  After Al Zupo and Dean replaced a sign removed by vandals, the area—a relatively secluded spot—was vandalized again, this time with three signs being removed.  When Dean reported this to the County Sheriff, it was suggested that a motion-activated camera be installed, along with a sign announcing surveillance.  The Board will take this up at its next meeting.

Voting for Board Member:  Tim Jenning’s term expired this year.  An election was held during this Annual meeting to fill the position.  Tim Jenning received 73 votes and was reelected for another 3-year term.

Mailboxes:  There were questions about repairing/shoring up individual mailboxes on Seevers and Big River.  Dean stated that those are the responsibility of box owners, no the OWW1 POA.  Dean encouraged residents who don’t already have them to contact Doug Patterson about obtaining a locking mailbox in our community bank of boxes on South Century Drive, for which there is a one-time cost of $50, with a $25 refund when the owner moves.  Doug’s phone number is posted on the bulletin board at the mailboxes.

Miscellaneous:  Resident Chriss S shared hemp as a materials option to build homes that are more fire-resistant.

Shooting along the river: a resident passed a petition sheet for Unit 1 owners, to present to the Deschutes County Commissioners to extend no-shoot zones along the river.  It was pointed out that the no-shoot zone designations have not been revised for more than twenty years, though in that time the area has seen a considerable increase in residences, as well as people using the river and trails for recreation during hunting season, thereby causing more potential for injury.

Resident asked if anyone has experienced and recent break-ins or squatters in the area.  Because POA has no code enforcement power, if anyone has any complaints about squatters or suspicious activity in this area, they should be reported to the County.

Weeds:  Dean noted that spotted knapweed is noxious.  He asked residents to pull knapweed and dispose of it in a bag to prevent it from germinating and spreading.  Do not confuse it with asters, which have yellow centers, while spotted knapweed doesn’t.

Meeting adjourned:  10:41 a.m.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Bart Gernhart, Secretary